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اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q  Default2
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 الجنس الجنس : ذكر

 الْمَشِارَكِات الْمَشِارَكِات : 289

 نِّقَاط العضو نِّقَاط العضو : 5544

 شهرة العضو في الشركة شهرة العضو في الشركة : 1

 تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012

 الْعُمْر الْعُمْر : 28

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اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q
الإثنين يناير 30, 2012 2:42 pm #1
اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q
اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q
اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q

1- Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Someone says that space exploration is too expensive. You agree.
2. Someone says that computers are a bad thing. You do not have the same opinion.
3. One of your friends says he thinks walking in space would be very frightening. You think he's right.
4. You hear someone say that all astronauts are very rich. You know this is not true.

1. Your friend has joined a reading group. You want to know the number of people in the group.
2. Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote The Prisoner of Zenda in three months. You are very surprised by this.
3. You are told that Anthony Hope paid for the publication of his first novel himself. Express how you feel about this.
4. Someone tells you that Anthony Hope wrote 37 works of fiction altogether. You are interested but not surprised by this.

1. You are doing a survey about energy use in your town. You would like to ask someone some questions. Explain the situation.
2. You want to know about a friend's energy-saving habits. What do you ask?

3. You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is hydroelectric. What do you ask?
4. Someone asks you how you usually travel to school every day. How do you reply?

1. A friend asks for your opinion about modern novels.
2. Someone asks you what you were doing at six o'clock yesterday evening.
3. Someone asks you what you think the best thing is about short stories. Give your opinion.
4. A friend asks you what you used to read when you were five.

1. A friend asks for your advice about keeping fit. Advise him.
2. You want some advice from a friend about how you can eat more healthily. What do you ask?
3. A friend wants to meet new people, but he/she is very shy. Make a recommendation.
4. Ask your teacher for advice about how to do well in the next English test.

(اللغة الإنجليزية (3ث) WB Exercises & Tests_Q  Icon_cool
1. A friend asks you whether you would like to go somewhere together at the weekend.
2. The same friend does not want to go to the beach, but suggests the swimming pool.
A friend suggests that you join a book club together. You do not want
to join a book club, but you would like to join a sports club.
4. The same friend suggests going to the cinema in your town tomorrow. You are not sure.

1. A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
Someone asks if you had a good holiday. You enjoyed your holiday, but
the weather was not very good. This was a disappointment.
3. A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at.
Someone asks you about a school trip you went on. You learnt a lot, but
you did not take as many photos as you had planned to.

1. You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you ask?
2. A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy.
3. You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.
4. A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don’t like.

1. A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time.
2. In a conversation, a friend uses the word gadgets. You do not understand the word.
3. A friend asks if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years.
A friend uses the words travel and journey in the same sentence. You do
not understand the different meanings of these two words

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